
Softonic 리뷰

Hangman - Proverbs !ჩამოხრჩობანა!

Hangman is even more fun and easy! This game, developed by Kandelucky_dev, is a word game that challenges players to guess the hidden proverb by guessing letters. The game offers 7 chances to guess the correct letters and the first 2 mistakes do not result in any penalties.

With over 100 randomfavorite proverbs, Hangman - Proverbs !ჩამოხრჩობანა! allows players to test their knowledge and improve their vocabulary while having fun. Players can also aim for high scores and unlock achievements.

The game features a user-friendly interface and simple gameplay, making it suitable for players of all ages. It's worth mentioning that the letters "ა", "ნ", "დ", and "ზ" are commonly used in the proverbs, so players might want to keep that in mind while guessing.

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Hangman - Proverbs !ჩამოხრჩობანა!에 대한 사용자 리뷰

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